Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Feeling Blue

I'm feeling kind of down today, another of my best friends left town for a very long time, the second in three weeks. I am now thoroughly sick of missing people and at the moment I only see my loneliness increasing exponentially as the months pass by, so to celebrate my current glumness I am posting a picture I took a few months ago that perfectly suits my mood. I went to Portland, ME with my sister T (one of those who has recently abandoned me) and we went and drove along the coast outside of town just as the sun was setting, there was this little side street that we decided to explore and at the end was this magnificent beach, all the surfers (Surfers? In Maine?) were coming in out of the water, and everything was misty as the light was fading, it felt as if the whole world was blue. I loved the moodiness of the waves and the rock and the newly risen moon, and just about had an apoplexy when my camera batteries died right as I framed the perfect shot. AAAGGGHH, it was agony. I have since become incredibly OCD about charging the battery. I just want to swim in my melancholy today, but don't worry, I have plenty of projects to pull me out of the doldrums tomorrow!

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